但是,但是還有一種突發狀況會讓你發揮火災場蠻力排除萬難克服一切,那是一種覺悟,是一種如果錯過了鐵定會懊惱後悔到老死的一種認知,就好像洛基如果沒有去爭取拳手資格並接受新生代拳王的挑戰,那他將會鬱悶終生!! 當我看到下面這篇訊息後,我就知道有些事情,現在不做,以後就沒機會了!!
但是,但是還有一種突發狀況會讓你發揮火災場蠻力排除萬難克服一切,那是一種覺悟,是一種如果錯過了鐵定會懊惱後悔到老死的一種認知,就好像洛基如果沒有去爭取拳手資格並接受新生代拳王的挑戰,那他將會鬱悶終生!! 當我看到下面這篇訊息後,我就知道有些事情,現在不做,以後就沒機會了!!
Carcass are confirmed for the W:O:A 2008 as promised!
Let the band speak by themselves:
"Well, they said it would never happen. In fact I said it would never happen. Then I noticed no one pays attention to what I say anyway and I sounded like an idiot...
Summer 2008 will be the twentieth anniversary since the release of CARCASS' first studio album. It will be fourteen years since we last played live. We've decided to exhume the old corpse next Summer at Wacken. The timing is purely coincidental - it's been a long journey to get to this point where myself, Bill Steer and Mike Amott have enough common desire again to make it possible. We're finally conceding to the demand that seems to be at an all time high and doesn't appear to be going away any time soon. Any past reasons we may have had for not wanting to do it, or thinking it was impossible, have simply dissipated in the face of overwhelming interest in us performing THOSE riffs for a generation of believers who never had the opportunity back in the day. We could say we're doing it for 'the kids' - but fuck that ! We're doing it 'cos it will be fun again to play the classic CARCASS tunes !! Of course it would seem inappropriate for us to contemplate to do this without Ken Owen, but I assure you he'll be there, and we'll push some sticks in his hands and make him play, plus we'll have a killer drummer to sit in and play HIS parts.
Myself Jeff Walker on bass and vocals, "the semi-legendary" Bill Steer and Mike Amott on lead guitar and Daniel Erlandsson, filling in for Ken on drums, look forwards to mutilating your hearing.
And if we don't do it ? Who else will overshadow the Led Zeppelin reunion ?
Ha !
Prepare to rot and roll."
嗯,他們曾說過這不會發生,事實上我也說過這是根本不可能發生的事情!! 但是我發現根本沒有人在乎我說了什麼,這讓我覺得自己好像是個白癡。
2008年的夏日將會是Carcass發行首張專輯的20週年紀念,距離我們上次的演出大約也有14年的光景了,於是我們決定在下一年的Wacken挖出那具老屍體,選擇在這個時間點其實真的是個巧合,我跟Bill Steer以及Mike Amott都花了一段很長的時間來意識到我們都有相同的慾望與想法讓這件事情成真,最後不得不承認這是個眾人高度期待的需求而且也不會隨時就會破局喊停的計畫,過去那因為許多因素讓我們不想去做,甚至看成是天方夜譚的事,現在單純的被那些有極度興趣、過去沒有機會看見我們演奏那些樂句的信徒們給感動,我們可以說我們這麼做是為了那些"孩子們",但管他媽的這麼多!! 我們會這麼做是因為可以再次演奏經典Carcass歌曲感到非常有意思!! 當然這可能會有點不適當如果我們打算屏除Ken Owen來做這件事情,但是我可以跟你保證他一定會到場,並且我們會強迫他拿起他的鼓棒打鼓,另外我們還會找一位殺手級的鼓手來代打。
我Jeff Walker將會擔任低音吉他兼主唱,"準傳奇"Bill Steer與Mike Amott負責主奏吉他,Daniel Erlandsson則會代替Ken的職務,我們相當期待能夠傷害你們的聽力!!
而且如果我們不做,我想不出還有誰能夠讓Led Zeppelin的重組黯然失色??
"Incarnated Solvent Abuse"
"Corporeal Jigsore Quandary"
ps:除了他們外,其實明年的Wacken還有個更驚人的重組,At The Gates!!!!!!! 熱血字輩的全部給我衝出來吧!!!! 哈哈哈!!